Who is Leon d’Ancona?

Empower yourself with a fresh & inspiring look at your enterprise.
It all began when Leon started a home-renovating business in Toronto. Putting his own capital to work, Leon would buy homes, renovate them and sell them at a profit. Not content to simply guess at which homes would bring the highest return in the shortest amount of time, Leon set out to optimize his opportunities, based on his statistical background.
The facts showed him that if it took longer than 78 days to sell a home, he would lose money. Suspecting that there was predictability in the housing market, Leon used data to predict short-term market trends and determine which segments of the real estate market were moving. He used the same data to select the most successful professionals to market his homes. At a time when others faltered, Leon’s renovation and resale business thrived.
The most amazing part of Leon’s story is when he realized that only half a percent (0.05%) of agents and brokers used any kind real estate statistics. Leon set out to change that fact and REality® was born. With his new statistical strength, Leon could better understand market trends and determine the “actionable niches” – the sweet spots that could allow both listing and selling real estate professionals to make the right decisions to maximize profits.
With his mirthful manner and a sixth sense to present statistical information in an easy to understand and fun way, Leon had a knack for making real estate statistics both compelling and profitable to its users.
Leon has guided the development of REality, expressing the “reality” of real estate. From its early days when the company published monthly books, to the high speed SSD servers of today, REality has become the standard for what real estate professionals need to be the most informed.
Thousands of brokers and recruiters use REality to recruit the "perfect fit" agents for their business. Nothing better exists and is so foolproof that 63% of prospective recruits call you back.
There are currently 7 levels of REality, each designed to fit like a glove to the needs of the individual.
In addition to many articles, newsletters, editorials and workbooks, Leon authored “The Official Guide to Home Price Changes” – an authoritative guide to estimating home values in 3 months to 1 year’s time based on market conditions. He is currently working on his second book “The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side 37.3% of the Time”.
Interested in Talking with Leon?
Ashley Adams
Assistant to CEO
IMS Incorporated
877.785.4321 x200